why is cross link leading these groups?

Cross Link was created to blend the ideas of having a Board of Directors, a group of peers to push and challenge you, and the competitive spirit to get through the ups and downs of running a high-volume agency. The facilitation of Cross Link Groups is intended to provide an environment that allows for concentrated learning, focused growth, and intentional application of all of the concepts you will learn.

who should apply?

Cross Link is intended to connect outliers. Do you get asked to provide insight at a lot of district meetings? Do you frequently take calls from agents working through the challenges of running and operating a successful agency looking for advice? You might be an outlier. If you truly enjoy helping others and making them better, but know that a group of peers pushing YOU is what you really desire right now, then we would encourage you to apply.

what is involved in being a part of a cross link group?

Cross Link Groups start with three weekend experiences over a two-year period.

  • The initial experience dives deeply into the exclusive strengths you have by asking “What has made you an outlier and why are you experiencing such great success?” You will hear from a small and intentional group of other agents who are also experiencing similarly unique success, and will have the opportunity to share among each other some very valuable tools, processes, and best practices.

  • Year two focuses on growth opportunities. By the second experience, you will have established a strong relationship with each other, and the group will be able to speak into you and your agency and challenge you on the next steps to take to continue growing your agency.

  • The final experience provides perspective by considering where you were two years ago, where you are currently, and where you will be headed.

The experiences are only a portion of what is provided in your annual subscription, though. You will have a network to quickly and easily communicate with everyone in your group year-round, quarterly group coaching calls, document sharing of all of the best practices and systems that have been shared within your group, ways to engage your high-performing team members with each other, and easy access to Steve, Ty, and Katy as resources.

who leads each group?

There will be groups of agents from across the company for each weekend experience. Steve, Ty, and Katy will all curate the sessions.

what is the feel of a weekend experience?

Cross Link Groups are designed to build relationships with fellow agents whom you can trust in order to propel your growth to new levels. In order to develop this, each weekend experience is intended to be a blend of a leadership conference and a weekend with friends.

what is the cost?

To be involved in a Cross Link Group, there is a monthly cost of $125/mo or $1,500 each year for the annual subscription. You will be responsible for your own travel, lodging, and meals/entertainment during the week. To keep accounting simple - all meals will be one bill and you will settle up at end of the weekend for that portion of the cost.

what is lodging like?

The first experience will be a four day, three night experience in Arizona. Day one will start at 3pm and day four will end at 12pm. Hotel/ meeting room location TBD.

why do i have to apply?

Getting the right people together in the right room is a critical ingredient to our success, and yours. Using the application process to understand where you and your agency are allows Cross Link to make the best decisions possible when forming each group. If you aren’t selected for the current group, that doesn’t mean that there won’t be a fit down the road for additional groups that will be formed throughout upcoming years. We ask you to fill out the application as openly and honestly as you can in order to get everyone in the right seats on the bus.

what happens after i apply?

Our team will contact you within a week. If you are accepted, you will receive an invoice for half the payment and a timeline with next steps. At this time, you will also receive some of the pre-work you will be expected to do before your first weekend experience.