Steve Weidenbach, Ty Schraufnagel, and Katy Lea are all agents with American Family Insurance. Several years ago, Steve and Ty were at a crossroads in their agencies. They loved to share and make others better, but knew they also had plenty of reflection they needed to do internally to take the next step. They decided to form a group of like-minded, high-performing agents – outliers – that loved what they did, were uniquely gifted, and had the necessary capacity for continued growth. Katy is an agent who personally lived and breathed the concepts of Cross Link Consulting (Cross Link) over a year, and saw her business sky rocket. She knew she wanted to be a part of something bigger than herself and joined Steve and Ty in creating this venture.


ty schraufnagel

As a business leader, my passion has always been to refine systems and develop people. My brilliant wife, Hayley, and I are deeply committed to learning how to produce effectively while also leading the team at our agency in Arizona together. 

Being in agency has also given me the freedom to pour into my roles as Board President for Paladin Sports Outreach and board member of Apex Leadership Institute.

I am a 3 (Achiever) and a 2 (Helper) on the Enneagram, and being a part of founding Cross Link speaks directly to my desire to cultivate leaders and see them reach new personal and professional goals.

Some of the things I enjoy the most, though, are traveling with Hayley and rooting for all of the Minnesota sports teams with my two sons Noah (14) and Aidan (12).

Steve weidenbach

As an agent in Washington, having formerly been a teacher and coach, who is also a “systems & processes” guy, I am an executor and a passionate people builder. As an 8 (Challenger) on the Enneagram, one of my gifts is casting a vision and asking the hard questions.

Through Cross Link, I want to help business owners expose areas of opportunity and then provide the tools to grow their teams and accomplish their goals.

Most of all, I enjoy my family. I am lucky enough to be married to Sara, my better half, and Dad to my daughter, Skyler (16), and my son, Kellen (14). We love traveling as a family and cheering on our Seahawks any chance we get.

katy lea

I am a third generation AmFam agent in Wisconsin, and my passions are business systems, processes, and best practices in agency.

As a 6 (Loyalist) on the Enneagram, Cross Link speaks to my love of developing meaningful relationships and contributing to the success of others. It’s given me a great opportunity to combine my strengths to impact the work of agents and the people of their agencies.

I love running (with my girlies), reading, and yoga. My husband, Tom, our daughters, Hayden (3) and Dylan (9mo.), and I call DeForest, WI home. Tom and I are big Badger fans and we’ve forced our kids to be too.